Libera members through the years

Libera database

A number of 2002-2009 Libera members and soloists are seen here as tiny trebles, and past/present staff members "Big Ben" Crawley, Steven Geraghty, and Sam Coates appear in .

libera members through the years

Libera discography

Another evolving resource, instituted in 2019 by a fan who goes by "Dinedorelle," is the Libera Member Timeline, in the form of a spreadsheet which traces the careers of over 200 .

Libera soloists

Welcome to the tenth year of the Libera Historical Timeline, which is now read in over 90 countries (top dozen last year: the US, UK, Canada, Japan, South Korea, The Netherlands, .

Libera laurence taylor
This is a continuation of the 12th year of the Libera Historical Timeline, which is now read in over 90 countries (top dozen last year: the US, UK, Canada, Japan, South Korea, The .